Ageing Running Diary 17.07.23

These are the first three entries in the Ageing Runner journal. I am journalling for a purpose. The aim is capture the things that I notice about my running and create data which can be analysed later. I try to capture accounts of the things I notice without sliding into explanation at this point. Where that happens, I put square brackets around my thoughts. It can appear completely scattergun. I carry around a piece of paper in my pocket and jot things down quickly as I notice them they pass through my head. I then type them up later. I will take these accounts at a later date, analyse them for themes and try to better place myself reflexively within the process.  I will be adding information about the rationale behind this ongoing journal and how it fits into the wider methodology of the Ageing Runner study as I go. For now, here are the first three entires.

Monday 17th July 23
7 mile tempo run with 2 mile warmup and a mile barefoot to cool down. My feet are aching. I am footsore. I used to think that I would be OK running a third of my miles barefoot. Now I don’t know. I am trying a barefoot mile a day when I can.

I have noticed how much more difficult it is to keep to a decent pace during tempo runs on pavements. It feels like a lot of my energy goes in shock absorption from the different heights experienced. It takes energy just to keep level. I like the flat surface of the road.

I have also found myself leaning in and forward and controlled falling at times when I want to keep a higher pace. My tempo changes when I come over a crest and into a downhill. It feels like changing gear to a big one on a bike. Really noticeable change in style and cadence.

I got into a facebook discussion last night with a runner. He has Parkinson’s disease and seemed worried about his lack of pace. I told him that I found him running inspirational. My dad is suffering from Parkinson’s and so did my grandad. I have been thinking it is hereditary. This runner told me it isn’t. Another runner had commented on Raynor Winn and the Salt Path. I also found myself thinking about that and the way Moth’s illness was affected by his extreme exercise and lack of food. [For me, this might be about degenerative illness. That is where my head is. Two of our wider social circle have died. Both vital men. Perhaps that is somewhere in my head].

I also was drawn to an article in the Times regarding dementia and hearing loss and how having a hearing aid is a protective factor. I will be going for a hearing test this summer. [I want to keep debilitating illness at bay if I can].

My right hip feels hot this morning. I found myself planning in a rest day for tomorrow. It feels important all of a sudden.

The long run into Manchester was really enjoyable but the drinking beer afterwards wasn’t. I like the idea of it but the reality doesn’t live up to the expectation.

Tuesday 18th July 23

My left knee is clicking painlessly as I walk uphill. Two days running. I have stiffness in right foot where there is dorsal flexion.
[I think barefoot running provides a couple of thousand steps where there are micro stretches that are very gentle and help put things back in place and remove knots.] I am feeling a slight pull in my left arch. Feels important. Not scary but good.

I don’t want to run with fear of the next injury. It sits in the pit of my stomach.

It jars with me when I read about plantar fasciitis and people respond advising arch supports. I am managing to leave commenting mostly but can’t help replying about barefooting. It seems to be working for me. [For Dan though, the Superfeet insoles solved his ankle problem, so maybe good advice for some.]

Wed 19th July 23

Barefoot mile this morning. My right ankle is hot. There are a few people saying online that they used to barefoot but haven’t for a while. [Maybe gone out of fashion. Barefooting is reconnecting me to my past]. I am enjoying it. More than running with canicross harness which pulls me all over. I do enjoy it though. Mac loves it more than anything.

I think that I would like to do a few interviews. [I find runners stories fascinating. I have always turned to the success stories in books. Andy and his running in gazelles, Martin and his running into his 70s. No-one asks them about how they do that. I want to.]

I am find it really useful to have paper in my pocket to get these thoughts out of my head. I would not remember them otherwise.

I want to link to other people trying to do the same as me. [I am not searching for followers. I want to find out more. There is something about building a community with your own values. I perhaps need to lay out what they are, if I can ever work it out.]

Sitting in pub after Wednesday Whizzers effort session. 3rd week on the trot. Good session.

I met a woman runner tonight who is older than me. She is whizzing a lot and says her times are coming down.  Inspirational. Small, light, slight runner who looks like she has been doing it years.

Murder Mile Horwich run tomorrow. Just been offered a lift which made me smile afterwards. [I joined the club to make connections having been bereft of them for a long time. It is just nice people being nice. You have to keep turning up and make the effort. Kindness everywhere.]