Ageing Runner – Learning is a messy process

The process of knowing and understanding more is such a messy process. At least it is for me. I have just heard from Happy Aging Runner. They describe their blog audience as themselves. They learn by writing. My doctoral supervisor said the same about me. Writing means that I have to crystallise the swirling mass of thoughts into a structure that other people may understand. I often don’t know that I am going to say until I hear myself say it. I mostly have no idea what I am going to write until I have written it.

Being an ageing runner is a huge topic with many rabbit holes for a flighty mind to dive down. I need some structure, an engine that can drive things forward, stick to the task in hand and yet give me space to breathe and take the odd flight of fancy.

I think I need a Ageing Runner Charter. Some rules so that I can have a word with myself when things begin to drift. My initial thoughts are that Ageing Runner should be humble and congruent with a culture of unconditional positive regard for ageing runners who have no voice. It should have three pillars. The best of the academic world, the experiences of real runners and my personal reflections on both. It is not a place to offer advice. I am not a medic. It is a place to share information and listen to what the ageing runner community think of it.

Many bloggers forget the need to read more than they write. I don’t have that problem. My issue is that I find pretty much everything interesting and can lose myself for hours in new searches. Focus is my issue. Therefore in addition to my Ageing Runner Diary, regular posts on the things I am reading will form the backbone of the project. Narrowing it down to my five favourite pieces each week will add some discipline to the process. These will be a mix of both academic writing, reflections of real runners and maybe one or two other pieces that I can’t let go of.

If I am going to find out the experiences of real ageing runners and ask their opinion, I am going to need a community that I can call on for help. I am going to need a mailing list and a presence out there on social media. Maybe a facebook group or something similar where we can share our thoughts.

For now, I am going to commit to posting my Ageing Runner Diary weekly (Wednesday) and my 5 reads of the week (Sunday). I will also release an Ageing Runner Podcast on the 20th of each month. They will be the engine that drives the project.  As I said in my last post, Ageing Runner is not going to be a shining palace built on sand, it is more likely to be an ugly house built on rock. This backbone will provide the solid ground whilst giving me the space to go on flights of fancy and a structure that I can stick to when time is scarce and I need to go back to basics.

I will get to the charter, the Facebook group and the mailing list over the coming weeks.

No rush though. For now, follow me on twitter if you would like to keep in touch.

Until next time.

We run, we chat, we smile!
