Ageing Runner Reads #11 – Doug Richards – How one runner went from being out of breath climbing the stairs to running the Marathon des Sables. 

Welcome to the latest Ageing Runner Reading recommendation You can see a list of all my reading recommendations here and sign up for the Ageing Runner newsletter here to keep upto date with the latest research on running as we get older. – Chris

I found the Running Tales podcast last week and this interview with  Doug made both me and my son smile as we listened to it in the car on the way home. It has left me with three big challenges. It may be life changing.

In his book, Once around the planet 24,902 miles, Doug descibes logging his miles over the years. He ran the equivalent of around the world. What a brilliant idea. That is a challenge for me. I have begun to do the same. I am 54 in a couple of weeks and have given myself 25 years to do the same. Pretty much 1000 miles a year for the next 25 years. I don’t know where it is going to take me but I am excited about the people I am going to meet and run alongside.

Doug is also a run leader and described the joy on the face of a woman in her 80s completing the couch to 5k programme. I am also planning to become a run leader for my local community running group. I hope I can help a few people along the way.

Finally, Doug also said ‘Don’t be afraid the scare yourself’. That resonated. You don’t have to jump out a plane to do that. I am going to enter a masters track 10,000 metres. I have no idea what that entails and I am scared. I need to shake myself up and chase the butterflies in my stomach rather than running away from them. Cheers Doug. The challenge is on.


Development, P. (n.d.). Doug Richards: How one runner went from being out of breath climbing the stairs to the Marathon des Sables | Running Tales. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Aug. 2023].